
Looking through the Gulick triangle image on the fence.

by Graciela Garcia '20

Aug. 01, 2019

Now a rising senior, Graciela Garcia shares the lessons she wished she knew before she entered college—from making friends to losing them, getting involved on campus, and the importance of sometimes being alone. 

Campus view with clock

by Meghan Godfrey '19

Jul. 16, 2019

​​​​​Starting college can be a time of mixed emotions: excitement, uncertainty, fear of the unknown. While the experience is different for everyone, Meg Godfrey ('19) shares the seven things she thinks everyone should know before entering their first year of college. 

A student walks across the Springfield College campus while lugging a large sports bag on her back.

by Madison Cox '22

Nov. 12, 2018

Despite first appearances and the amount of athletic gear one sees about the campus, Madison Cox, a first-year, describes how there is so much more to Springfield College than just sports, and so many ways to find people with similar interests as your own.